India Basin

India Basin Rendering

For almost 150 years, the India Basin waterfront has been defined by boat builders. The next 150 years will be defined by a new park that is taking shape along the shoreline.

India Basin is officially open to the public! Although 900 Innes is still very much a work in progress, we wanted to give the community as many opportunities as possible to provide input on this incredible space. We believe that the best parks are designed both by and for the community, so as development of India Basin continues, its design will be based on the feedback received from Bayview neighbors.

India Basin is a small section of a larger project known as the Blue Greenway. The Blue Greenway is a 13-mile stretch of shoreline that combines the efforts of SF Parks Alliance, the San Francisco Department of Recreation and Parks, and the Trust for Public Land. Upon completion, this project will include walking paths, playgrounds and more for everyone to enjoy.

As part of the India Basin interim activation strategy, there is a plan to resurface the existing basketball court at India Basin Shoreline Park and transform it into a multi-use hypecourt. We encourage community members to get involved, as the final result of this design process will be installed on the basketball court at India Basin Shoreline Park.

How do you envision the future of India Basin?

We want to hear from community members, so let us know your thoughts!

Project Partners

Interested in getting involved? We are seeking partners to support programming, art installations, community partnerships, funding, and other ideas! Contact us to learn how you can get involved.